Leftie Update

I received an email at about 2 PM yesterday about leftie! They wanted me to continue swabbing leftie with the betadine swabs  twice a day and cushioning her with a fresh ABD pad twice a day. Basically it’s exactly what Barry suggested that I do when he first noticed the weirdness going on with leftie. I’m relieved and still a little nervous. I mean it’s not as bad as it could be, and I’m not in pain. Yet I still worry which does me absolutely no good.

Currently waiting on my drain to stop having over 30 cc/ml of belly juice every day so I can get this pesky drain removed. Barry’s anxiously excited to do the removal, haha! And I think Emilia is excited to watch it happen. She’s been such an incredible little human to me. She’s taken over night time nursing duties. She’s swabbing my hip drain site, leftie and puts my DVT machine on my legs. It’s basically the cutest thing and she’s so proud of herself. She won’t do my belly button though, because she deems it too creepy.

I’m so grateful for the thoughts, prayers and good vibes being sent my way. I definitely feel like they’re working. Keep ’em coming. Leftie needs all the help she can get.IMG_1737 3

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