Wishlist Wednesday

I’m trying so hard to stop this consumer driven mentality. I want to be a responsible consumer. I want to buy quality over quantity. It’s honestly one of the reasons no-buy-may was developed, at least in part. It’s so easy to go to Target or Walmart and just buy something because it’s cute and trendy […]


I’m sitting in the waiting room for my ultrasound. There are a million thoughts running through my mind. A million possibilities for the point. I even dreamt I was pregnant. (Haha pretty hard to get pregnant when you don’t have Fallopian tubes, butttt the subconscious is weird AF.) I’m trying to avoid stress shopping because […]

Going Forward

I started this blog as a way to figure out my journey with BRCA1+ mutation. I didn’t know much about my reconstruction options. I knew that I would be having a surgery to remove my breast tissue, that I KNEW. Beyond that it was so confusing, and overwhelming. Now that I’m on the ‘flap side’ […]


You guys, phase 2 was already over a month ago. I am convinced that the past month went by faster than any other month in the history of months. Am I alone? How are we over 1/2 way done with January already? I have so many questions for you this morning. Did you make a […]