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Pity- Party of One?


You know how sometimes it seems like all of the most amazing and fun things happen at one time and that one time is just not a good time for you? Like almost impossible? That’s where I’m at right now. If you know me at all, you know that I LOVE music. I love concerts and live music and friends and the fact that there’s this common thread amongst people you wouldn’t ordinarily share space with. It’s a bond.

Last February, I went on my first cruise. It was Train’s Sail Across the Sun cruise. I didn’t go for Train but I did go for my fave. If you know me even a little bit, you know I’m addicted to Matt Nathanson’s music. It’s my fall back, my ol’ faithful. Whenever life feels like it’s spinning out of control I can turn on any one of his songs and it brings things back down to focus. There are other bands and musicians I enjoy, of course, but no other give me things grounding feeling.

Matt has a new album coming out “soonish” and is heading out on the road with O.A.R. this summer. You’d think that would be perfect, right? But there are these little people that call me mom, and these other little things called jobs and then this other pesky thing called a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy happening this summer. These are like bucket list kind of venues, RED ROCKS are you kidding me?? The day before my surgery. And he’s going on another cruise, this time The Rock Boat and the line up is incredible and I want to go so so so bad but it’s in February. I should be having my phase 2 at the end of December assuming all things heal well. I don’t know how I’ll feel after that or what revisions they’ll have to make. I just feel like all of these fun and amazing things are happening and I’m just sitting here waiting.

Don’t mind me, I’m just over here sitting by myself. Pity-party of one?

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